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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer`s Stone - Chris Columbus(10%) Harry Potter wordt tovenaarsleerling op Zweinstein en beleeft daar spannende avonturen - fantasy uit 2001 Richard Harris (Albus Dumbledore), Maggie Smith (Professor Minerva McGonagall), Robbie Coltrane (Rubeus Hagrid), Saunders Triplets (Harry Potter (Age 1)), Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Fiona Shaw (Aunt Petunia), Harry Melling (Dudley Dursley), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Vernon), Derek Deadman (Tom), Ian Hart (Professor Quirrell), Ben Borowiecki (Diagon Alley Boy), Warwick Davis (Professor Flitwick/Goblin Bank Teller), Verne Troyer (Griphook the Goblin (as Vern Troyer)), John Hurt (Mr. Ollivander), Richard Bremmer (He Who Must Not Be Named (voice)), Geraldine Somerville (Mrs. Lily Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick), David Bradley (Argus Filch), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley), James Phelps (Fred Weasley), Oliver Phelps ( George Weasley)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chris Columbus(9%) Harry Potter`s tweede jaar op Zweinstein - fantasy uit 2002 Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), RichardGriffiths (Uncle Vernon), Fiona Shaw (Aunt Petunia), Harry Melling (Dudley Dursley), Toby Jones (Dobby the House Elf (voice)), Jim Norton (Mr. Mason), Veronica Clifford (Mrs. Mason), James Phelps (Fred Weasley), Oliver Phelps (George Weasley), Julie Walters (Molly Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley), Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy), Robbie Coltrane (Rubeus Hagrid), Tom Knight (Mr. Granger), Heather Bleasdale (Mrs. Granger), Kenneth Branagh (Professor Gilderoy Lockhart), David Bradley (Argus Filch), Richard Harris (Albus Dumbledore), John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick), Shirley Henderson (Moaning Myrtle)
Sleepy Hollow - Tim Burton(9%) Een ruiter zonder hoofd moordt er vrolijk op los in het kleine dorpje Sleepy Hollow - fantasy uit 1999 Johnny Depp (Constable Ichabod Crane), Christina Ricci (Katrina Anne Van Tassel), Miranda Richardson (Lady Mary Van Tassel/The Western Woods Crone), Michael Gambon (Baltus Van Tassel), Casper Van Dien (Brom Van Brunt), Jeffrey Jones (Reverend Steenwyck), Christopher Lee (Burgomaster), Richard Griffiths (Magistrate Samuel Philipse), Ian McDiarmid (Dr. Thomas Lancaster), Michael Gough (Notary James Hardenbrook), Marc Pickering (Young Masbath), Lisa Marie (Ichabod`s Mother), Steven Waddington (Mr. Killian), Christopher Walken (The Hessian Horseman), Claire Skinner (Midwife Elizabeth `Beth` Killian)Â
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes - Hugh Hudson(9%) Door apen opgevoede gast heeft identiteitscrisis - avontuur uit 1984 Ralph Richardson (Sixth Earl of Greystoke), Ian Holm (Capitaine Phillippe D`Arnot), James Fox (Lord Charles Esker), Christopher Lambert (John Clayton/Tarzan, Lord of the Apes), Andie MacDowell (Miss Jane Porter), Cheryl Campbell (Lady Alice Clayton), Ian Charleson (Jeffson Brown), Nigel Davenport (Major Jack Downing), Nicholas Farrell (Sir Hugh Belcher), Paul Geoffrey (Lord John `Jack` Clayton), Richard Griffiths (Captain Billings), Hilton McRae (Willy), David Suchet (Buller), John Wells (Sir Evelyn Blount), Paul Brooke (The Rev. Stimson), Â Â
Super 8 - J.J. Abrams(9%) Kinderen ontdekken overheidsplot rondom alien - science fiction uit 2011 Joel Courtney (Joe Lamb), Jessica Tuck (Mrs. Kaznyk), Joel McKinnon Miller (Mr. Kaznyk), Ryan Lee (Cary), Zach Mills (Preston), Riley Griffiths (Charles), Gabriel Basso (Martin), Kyle Chandler (Jackson Lamb), Ron Eldard (Louis Dainard), Amanda Michalka (Jen Kaznyk), Andrew Miller (Kaznyk Twin), Jakob Miller (Kaznyk Twin), Jade Griffiths (Benji Kaznyk), Britt Flatmo (Peg Kaznyk), Elle Fanning (Alice Dainard), Glynn Turman (Dr. Woodward), Noah Emmerich (Nelec), Richard T. Jones (Overmyer), Amanda Foreman (Lydia Connors)
The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy - Garth Jennings(8%) Dude verdwaalt in de ruimte nadat de aarde wordt opgeblazen - science fiction uit 2005 Bill Bailey (The Whale (voice)), Anna Chancellor (Questular Rontok), Warwick Davis (Marvin), Mos Def (Ford Prefect), Zooey Deschanel (Trillian), Su Elliot (Pub Customer (as Su Eliott)), Martin Freeman (Arthur Dent), Stephen Fry (Narrator/The Guide (voice)), RichardGriffiths (Jeltz (voice)), Dominique Jackson (Fook), Simon Jones (Ghostly Image), Thomas Lennon (Eddie the Computer (voice)), Mark Longhurst (Bulldozer Driver), Kelly Macdonald (Reporter), John Malkovich (Humma Kavula)
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear - David Zucker(8%) Frank Drebin moet ontvoerde milieu-geleerde bevrijden - humor uit 1991 Leslie Nielsen (Lt. Frank Drebin), Priscilla Presley (Jane Spencer), George Kennedy (Captain Ed Hocken), O.J. Simpson (Nordberg), Robert Goulet (Quentin Hapsburg), RichardGriffiths (Dr. Albert S. Meinheimer/Earl Hacker), Jacqueline Brookes (Commissioner Anabell Brumford), Anthony James (Hector Savage), Lloyd Bochner (Terence Baggett), Tim O`Connor (Donald Fenswick), Peter Mark Richman (Arthur Dunwell), Ed Williams (Ted Olsen), John Roarke (President George Bush), Margery Ross (First Lady Barbara Bush), Peter Van Norden (Chief of Staff John Sununu)
Fierce Creatures - Fred Schepisi(8%) Zoo moet met paardenmiddelen winstgevend worden! - humor uit 1997 John Cleese (Rollo Lee), Jamie Lee Curtis (Willa Weston), Kevin Kline (Vince McCain/Rod McCain), Robert Lindsay (Sydney Lotterby), Michael Palin (Adrian `Bugsy` Malone), Ronnie Corbett (Reggie Sea Lions), Carey Lowell (Cub Felines), Bille Brown (Neville), Derek Griffiths (Garry Ungulates), Cynthia Cleese (Pip Small Mammals), Richard Ridings (Hugh Primates), Maria Aitken (Di Harding), Michael Percival (Ant Keeper), Fred Evans (Flamingo Keeper), Lisa Hogan (Sea lion Keeper), Â Â
Root of All Evil? - Russell Barnes(6%) Richard Dawkins kijkt met achterdochtige ogen naar religie! - documentaire uit 2006 Richard Dawkins (Himself), Yousef Al-Khattab (Himself), Ted Haggard (Himself), Richard Harries (Himself)
Where Eagles Dare - Brian G. Hutton(6%) Richard en Clint op Oorlogspad in de Beierse Alpen - oorlog uit 1968 Richard Burton (Maj. Jonathan Smith, MC), Clint Eastwood (Lt. Morris Schaffer), Mary Ure (Mary Elison), Patrick Wymark (Col. Wyatt Turner, DSO MC), Michael Hordern (Adm. Rolland), Donald Houston (Capt. James Christiansen), Peter Barkworth (Edward Berkeley), William Squire (Capt. Philip Thomas), Robert Beatty (Gen. George Carnaby), Brook Williams (Sgt. Harrod), Neil McCarthy (Sgt. Jock MacPherson), Ingrid Pitt (Heidi)