Source Code (English)Intelligent, suspenseful SF-thriller about a young man, a helicopter pilot fighting in Afghanistan, who wakes up, all of a sudden, in a train, sitting in front of a young woman he has never met before, but who seems to know him very well.
“Well you know me, but I have no idea who you are” Turns out that he, the helicopter pilot, is moribund, his body is dead, but there’s still some brain activity, which can be used to hook him on another man’s brain, a person of his age who was killed in a terrorist attack on that very train he’s on. Thanks to what is called an ‘afterglow effect’ of the neurosystem, he can relive the last 8 minutes of the deceased person, over and over again. His mission: to identify the terrorist, and prevent a second terrorist attack (this time on the city of Chicago) the man is preparing. ![]() Something about the science used in the movie: The idea of a source code device as shown in the movie, seems primarily based on experiments with virtual reality and manipulated sensations, but today most of what is shown here is still ‘music of the future’ (and probably won’t ever be possible). But that’s not a problem, it’s science fiction. The aspects inspired by quantum physics, refer to the so-called many worlds interpretation, an alternate theory to explain reality. The idea most of us have of reality, is that we live in a unique universe, with a singular timeline. According to the many worlds interpretation, reality consists of multiple potentials (possible worlds) that can either be realized or not. Imagine that you had the choice, twenty years ago, to go to Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. In Los Angeles you would become a star, in New York a criminal, in Chicago you would die, because you’re plane would crash. You realized the Chicago potential so you’re dead. End of the line in a unique world with a singular timeline, but not in the many worlds interpretation: the other potentials (along with the potential to stay home) are realized in another world, with another timeline (another ‘branch’). This is what is shown in the movie: Jake Gyllenhaal goes back to the same moment in time over and over again, but does different things (realizes other potentials). According to this (admittedly rather bizarre) theory, this is all possible, but what is not possible, is to affect one (singular) timeline from other potential timelines, and that’s what they’re trying to do here. What happens in one timeline, simply does not and cannot affect all the others. So even if a few ‘mistakes’ are made (liberties are taken) this is quite an intelligent movie, it got a lot of things right, and only a few things wrong (usually it’s the other way round). As a thriller, it’s fairly good, not brilliant, a bit sluggish in its mid-section, but never boring. And Gyllenhaal turns in a first rate performance.
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